11.12.2009 09:20
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 © Серьога


Sometimes I see the old dream 

That I’m in the chopper again. 

Sometimes I hear the scream: 

“There are too many of them!” 

Sometimes: the gunner is killed, 

The chopper’s engine is off, 

Sometimes I really feel 

That my heart has nearly stopped. 

Sometimes I’m to Baghdad again – 

From “Griffin” I fly to “Green Zone”, 

Sometimes rocket fire & then… 

I wake up in my bedroom alone… 

Ivano-Frankivsk, 12/09/09

Візьміть участь в обговоренні

+++ +++
  • Зберегти, як скаргу
 12.12.2009 01:02  © ... => Микола Щасливий 

Напевно :)

 11.12.2009 09:22  Микола Щасливий 

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