02.06.2017 05:15
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 © Іван Петришин

Don`t kill, oh, pilot!

to a pilot who kills

don`t kill, oh, pilot!

there could be a kid, 

who also wants to be a pilot, 

and to live to fit

the same squadroon, as yours, 

and, you can feel it, you can, I guess, 

what? can`t you do your best

to stop the war?

why do you just allow some whore

to make you kill the future pilot in a crib, 

the Man who sucks his empty bib?

why do you want to make the Mother cry?

just tell, killing pilot, why?

why do you need to dig the soil with boms?

why do you fertilize the ground with blood?

or, do you want another Great World Flood?

and, are you ready to find the excuses?

but, all the bombings are the worst abuses

against Humanity and, even - `gainst your Soul!

I don`t believe that war should be your goal!

Ivan Petryshyn

USA, 01.06.2017

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