27.02.2018 04:41
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 © Іван Петришин

Markiyan Shashkevych “Springtide Song”

Ukrainian Poetry in English

Poetry Translations by Ivan Petryshyn

to all who loves Ukrainian Poetry and the Ukrainian Language

Ukrainian Poetry
Markiyan Shashkevych

“Springtide Song”

A minute flower

Begged her mommy, 

The early spring hour:

“Mother, loving!

Please, accommodate:

Grant me good fate, 

So that I could blow

Making the meadow fine, 

So that I could glow, 

As the sun’s light, 

As the star, so bright, 

To attract all the world!”

“My daughter, pretty!

For your words, 

I feel pity, 

As a swirl can bolt, 

The frost can bring cold, 

A storm can beat, -

The beauty will fade, 

The face will degrade, 

You’ll lower your crown, 

Your leaves will cop out, -

The heart will bleed”.

Translation form Ukrainian into English by Ivan Petryshyn

CША, 25.02.2018

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 28.02.2018 06:17  © ... 

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