26.08.2017 11:13
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 © Чиянова Марина Вікторівна


Hello there! It`s the 21st century, and it`s full of ideas. Whatever you see, hear, feel or consume is created by someone. Sometimes, luckily, it`s you.

Ideas vastly depend not only on what they mean, but also on how you present them. In the fast-paced epoch of computers you should feel free to ask for information and interpret it correctly.

A life deprived of its meaning is the most miserable life ever lived. A meaningful life, however, is a set of years devoted to values larger than life, such as Love, Freedom, Knowledge, Peace, Wisdom, Creativity, Unity, Development, Health, Expansion, Progress. It`s always nice to choose your main issue and follow it through thick and thin.

Now Ukraine is opening its gates to new European values. First of all, it`s a harsh and time-consuming task to change your mindset, but this is exactly what should be done at least by 2020, so that by 2050 our beloved homeland will flourish with new scientific and social happenings. This is a huge field of work for each of us, especially our dignified, fiery and utterly talented youth.

What seems to be important is the value system of the new generation. It has changed dramatically over the previous 8-9 years, shifting from disgustingly primitive and instinct-based to clean, shiny and ready for changes in the core of the subject.

What was the main cause of the changes? Was it the so-called globalization? Was it the extra-rapid growth of the population which forces us to become wiser and kinder? Was it an information squall that leaves no one untouched? Whatever it might be, we should react in the proper form and change our attitude to consumption...and learning.

It`s the learning style that defines so much about a human being. A personality grows within different social circles, changes its life conditions, creates its own communities or interacts with the others, and in this intellectual `cocktail` based on mixed bits of information lies the essence of the new time – the time of wonders.

To be precise, I am far from believing we live in a perfect world. However, what needs to be done is a shift in values in the social strata, in all types of our social interactions, at our workplaces, in our families and in our souls.

The cultural paradygm is a tiny bit of the whole governmental development policy which only takes up to 1, 5% of the GNP but it influences the whole nation. Culture is a deep, deep sea in which we all grow. It does not only cover aesthetics but also our everyday choices like manners, speech, housing, food and clothes. It`s a state of `fragile harmony` that we can see in the global cultural field now – starting from prestigious art galleries and moving to deep tribal beliefs through the shiny mist of so-called `pop culture`, which is also far from being too simple.

Київ, 2016

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