18.08.2018 06:26
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 © Іван Петришин

Under a Cloud

Under a cloud

a Lemko song by Seman Madzelian

to all those who know the Lemko mini-Language


(a Lemko song by Seman Madzelian)

Under a cloud, there’s a sycamore, bent, 

In it, there sat a small birdie and sang.

Listen, darling, how the birdie sings, 

That a true love, ‘t nothing good can bring.

That a true love, ‘t nothing good can bring.

Is that true love given by Our God?

Or is it an evil’s low, mean, crude plot?

Even if you didn’t like, do love for sure, 

Even if you didn’t like, you must endure.

Even if you didn’t like, you must endure.

Oh, my dear, you are my only temptation, 

Not for one year, have we been in relations.

You have given me a charms potion of spell, 

So, I cannot be without you, as well.

I’ve been told by a diviner, long ago, 

That I would be fooled by a pretty lady, so, 

I would not be able to discern the truth, 

Till my young years pass that spell abuse.

Under a cloud, a sycamore’s getting green, 

Look, such a strong wind you haven’t seen.

It might tear the tree with th’ roots out, 

Oh, my dear, what’ s our luck out?

what’ s our luck out?

Translated from Lemko language by Ivan Petryshyn

CША, 17.08.2018

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