19.12.2009 02:29
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 © Серьога

Some thoughts about winter...

Winter has come 

And the snow’s covered the land. 

All the jobs have been done 

And the year’s coming to end. 

Fir-tree lights are burnt 

And the people are wishing for good. 

All the lessons are learned, 

All the values are understood. 

Let the old year go away, 

Let the New Year come to my land 

Let the old friend never betray, 

Let the new friend give me a hand. 

Let the people live always in peace 

Let prosperity come to their homes, 

Let their kindness ever increase, 

Let them see coming true their hopes. 

New day has come 

And the nature is getting renewed. 

All around become 

More experienced, clever & cute. 

Snow’s clear enough 

Like the thoughts of an innocent child 

Put on gloves & a scarf 

Winter’s nice but the wind is so wild…  

Let the old year go away, 

Let the New Year come to my land 

Let the old friend never betray, 

Let the new friend give me a hand. 

Let the people live always in peace 

Let prosperity come to their homes, 

Let their kindness ever increase, 

Let them see coming true their hopes. 

Ivano-Frankivsk, 12/18/09

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  • Зберегти, як скаргу
 12.11.2012 11:02  © ... 

Усім велике дякую! Переклад поки що дати не готовий. Якось так сталося, що ця річ просилася саме англійською :) Переклад - то вже буде не те.